Yona Levy Grosman - Artist, Art Gallery  -  הגלריה של האמנית יונה לוי גרוסמן

Art Gallery in Ein Habesor, Eshkol, Negev         -         גלריה לאמנות בעין הבשור, נגב מערבי, אשכול


Yona's work's were exhibited in the President's Mansion, Ben-Gurion University, Omer Museum, Beer-Sheva Museum, The Entrance Gallery at the Massada National Park Art books, and more other Galleries and Museums. In ISRAEL and abroad.

Sorin Dr. Heller (Museolog Independent Curator) wrote the following:

"Yona Levy Grosman is a multi-disciplinary artist, whose artistic activity comprehends paintings, video art, drawings, poetry and essays. By her choice, she lives and works in the Negev, the southern part of Israel which is mostly a vast desert. And the desert is the most influential factor of her artistic work. It seems that her whole creation is an attempt to understand, sometimes to conquer, sometimes letting herself being captured by the desert's power and magic. One may refer to her work within the romantic paradigm of the sublime, on one hand the admiration of the vast landscape, on the other the realization of the insignificance of human beings. Her paintings reflect the desert topography, the harsh and blinding light, the emptiness. She uses heavy texture and bright colors keeping the acrylic glossiness. The painting's surface reflects the desert dunes, but the acrylic glossiness bestows a sense of artificiality. The large canvases echo the desert infinity. Sometimes the artist adds to the main painting other painted canvas that act like and break the rectangular format.
Her style is figurative with abstract tendencies. But her paintings are by no means realist. They invoke the historical and cultural roots of the desert which is the borderline of two civilizations, ancient Egyptians and the Biblical Hebrews. It has symbolist affiliations, and above all the love of this rough country".

contact - Yona Levy-Grosman

Tel:-     +972-8-9982212.

Email: -        yonalg@Gmail.com

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Art biography of Yona Levy-Grosman Born 1948 Studied nursing, at Hadassah, Jerusalem, Psychology, at Bar-Ilan University. Art, at Maimad art school, Tel-Aviv. Finished her studies with excellence.


2015     "ART YELLOW BOOK"  
             CICA Museum (South Korea) invites artists to submit works
             for consideration for the art book project “Art Yellow Book.”
             Art Yellow Book, featuring artists from around the world,
             will be released in the United States and Korea in fall, 2015.               
            - is launching the 7th edition of "LandEscape Now!" (Anniversary Edition) ,
            an international contemporary art competition, which introduces
            nine works of art by nine international artists selected from the
            international scenario in various fine arts disciplines.
"Echo from far away"   Curator - Yona Levy Grosman
             4 Women, contemporary Israeli Artists from "Gaza Envelope" -  
             of Israel surrounding the Gaza Strip Villages, exhibiting in the -  
             Ramat Hasharon City Gallery. From 17.9.2014 until 17.12.2014 .
" Magic of the Cosmos"   Curator - Professor Haim Maor
             8 leading contemporary Israeli Artists exhibiting in the opening events  
             of the Carasso Science Park. From 30 October 2013 until June 2015 .
2011     "Walls are talking about Art" I did the curatorial work
             on exhibition of artists in the Eshkol Regional Council  
             for 60th anniversary of the Council.
2010     "Close to home, place and memory" A traveling exhibition  
             organized by the Israeli Ministry of Culture.
     +     "My place - Your place" Exhibition of correspondence
             From 15 local artists with 15 artists from Mexico.
             A traveling exhibition of cultural centers and galleries in Mexico.
2008     "Forbidden art" The White House Gallery at the Sculptures Park  
             next to kibbutz Nir-Oz.
     +     Pedro Gerson Gallery,
            11 may 2008, " México – Eshkol, celebrando los 60 años de
            Israel " Mexico City - Ciudad de México   Exposición
            “México – Eshkol, celebrando los 60 años de Israel”
     +     "Relaxation" group exhibition at the gallery of Kibbutz Beeri.
     +     " INSIDE ISRAEL" ,
            60 leading contemporary Israeli photographers on Israel's
            60th anniversary.
            From Dec 2008 and throughout the year of 2009, the Inside
            Israel exhibition traveled around China in many cities.
            The project in China was born following the order of
            Museum curator "Big Three", which is in Tz'ongtzing.

12月12日,以色列驻华大使馆在重庆举办“走进以色列——以色列当代摄影作品展”,向重庆市民介绍该国历史、风景、文化等情况,推介 当地旅游。展览共收集了64位以色列当代摄影家的183幅作品。 图为重庆市民观看展览。 中新社发 郭晋嘉 摄   中新社重庆十二月十二日电 (记者 郭晋嘉)以色列驻华大使馆十二日在重庆举办“走进以色列——以色列当代摄影作品展”,向重庆市民介绍该国历史、风景、文化等情况,推介当地旅游。   据了解,此次展览共收集了六十四位以色列当代摄影家的一百八十三幅作品,全面展示了该国独特的风土人情和灿烂文化。   重庆市副市长周慕冰在开幕式上说,此次展览是为纪念以色列建国六十周年,也是为搭建重庆与以色列的友谊之桥而举办,希望通过展览,重庆与以色列能进一步拓宽双方的交流合作。   以色列驻华大使安泰毅则表示,目前已有中国旅游团到以色列观光旅游,以色列驻华使馆强烈感觉到中国游客对以色列的巨大兴趣。他希望没有计划去以色列旅游的人们也有机会透过此次影展了解当地的文化和传统,也希望重庆能在以色列举办展览推介巴渝文化。   二00七年十月,中以正式签署授予以色列“中国公民观光目的地”资格协议,并于今年九月正式进入实施阶段。

2007     The Entrance Gallery at the World wide Heritage,  
             Masada National Park.
2005     Sapir college, Shderot
     +     "Here" Beer-Sheva Museum
     +     Alternative Art Gallery, Jafa
     +     Participating in an Art Book
             "ART in ISRAEL - Contemporary artists"
             - My pages in the book -
             published by World of Art, London.
     +     Participating in Art book
             "FAMOUS, 120 Contemporary Artists "  
             published by World of Art, London.
2004     Shefela museum
2003     Kastra gallery, Haifa
2002     Lesley college, Netanya
     +     Be'ery gallery
     +     Hanita museum
     +     Group exhibition of artists from Kay College at
             the University of Michigan, USA
2001     Kastra gallery, Haifa
     +     Publishing the my own book of painting and poems
             “Love is Insane”
     +     Key college, Beer-Shiva
2000     Bar-David museum
     +     Hanita museum
1999     Artists House, Tel-Aviv
1998     Ben-Gurion University , Beer-Shiva
     +     A member of I.C.A group an international group of
             Artists Exhibitions, Zero gallery, Barcelona
     +     Israeli Presidential Residence
1997     Omer industrial Park museum
1991     Artists House, Tel-Aviv
     +     Chagall house, Haifa
     +     Key college, Beer-Shiva
1990     House of American Zionist , Tel-Aviv
     +     Eked gallery, Tel-Aviv
1988     Yeziramon, 40 artists gethered in order to establish a
             new Museum in the desert town Mitzpe Ramon.
     +     Beer-Shiva, Museum
1984     Art House gallery, Tel-Aviv Opened by Itzchak Rabin
1981     Weinberg gallery, Tel-Aviv


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